Pet Grooming
Our professional groomers have been grooming for 25+ years. Our groomers have worked with various area shelters, donating their services to help them look their best for their fur-ever home. At Classie Canines we provide full service grooming and we are familiar with all breed standard haircuts. As a part of their grooming process, groomers check each dog for any readily visible signs of health issues (including parasites, skin irritation, or other apparent infections), and report back to the owners. Our goal is to pamper your pet from nose to tail and bring out their individual natural beauty! The experienced and talented staff at Classie Canines are ready and willing to help your pup look their best. Whether your pet needs a quick nail trim, a bath and brush out, or a full service groom, you'll find it here. In conjunction with our daycare, your pup can play before, and/or after their grooming!
Check out our services and call us to make an appointment today.
Short Haired Full GroomsAll short haired FULL grooms include:
Bath, Blow-dry, Brush out, Nail trim, and Ear flush & Cleanse. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE ANY hair cutting Small dogs: Starting at $65+* (Chihuahuas, Jack Russels, Short Haired Dachshunds, Pugs, Frenchies, Bostons, etc) Med. - Large dogs: Starting at $75+* (Boxers, Pitbulls, American and English Bulldogs, Labs, Hounds, Pointers, etc.) X-Large or double coated dogs: Starting at $85+* (Huskies, GSDs, Akitas, Chessie, Chow Chow, etc.) Giant breed dogs: Starting at $90+* (Mastiffs, Danes, Malamutes, Anatolians, Cane Corso, etc.) |
Long Haired Full GroomsAll long haired FULL grooms include:
Bath, Blow-dry, Brush out, Haircut, Nail trim, and Ear flush & Cleanse. Small fine coated dogs: Starting at $70+* (Shih Tzus, Yorkies, Havanese, Long Haired Chihuahuas, Long Haired Dachshunds, etc.) Small thick coated dogs: Starting at $75+* (Toy Poodles, Bichons, Coton De Tulears, Mini Schnauzers, Cavaliers, etc.) Medium dogs: Starting at $80+* (Wheatons, Cockers, Mini Poodles, American Eskimos, Standard Schnauzers, etc.) Large dogs: Starting at $90+* (Airedales, Retrievers, Giant Schnauzers, Setters, Aussies, etc.) X-Large dogs: Starting at $110+* (Standard Poodles, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Irish Wolfhound, Old English Sheepdog, etc.) Giant breed dogs: Starting at $150+* (Newfies, Great Pyr, St, Bernards, Leonbergers, etc.) Doodle/Poodle Mix: Starting at $100+* Cats and Bunnies: Starting at $80+* |
*Prices vary depending on the coat type, shampoo choice, condition of their coat, requested groom, and behavior of your four-legged companion. Groomers reserve the right to adjust prices as they see fit if pet requires extra time due to extreme circumstances (significant matting, etc.)
Walk-In & Add-On Grooming Services:
Add-On Grooming Services:
Nail Trim: $15 Nail Trim & Grind: $20 Cat Nail Trim: $25 Miscellaneous Trim: $5+ Nails & Paw Pad Trim: $20 Ear Flush & Cleanse: $8 Ear Plucking, Flush & Cleanse: $15 Nail Trim, Ear Flush & Pluck: $20 Tooth Brushing/Scaling: $8 Anal Gland Expression: $10 Bordetella Vaccine: $35 |
Limited Walk-in Grooming Services:
Available: Monday - Friday 8am - 2pm (Except Major Holidays) Services are provided outside of these times, but please always call to confirm groomer availability. Services can also be added while participating in daycare, just ask upon drop off or feel free to call ahead. Be sure to ask about our Daycare with Grooming discount! |
Contact Us
Monday-Sunday 6am-6:30pm 365 days per year |
Phone: 508-230-1701 Fax: 508-230-1710 Email: [email protected] 795 Washington Street South Easton, Ma 02375 |